
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dollar Store finds

I took the kids to the dollar store and Freckle Foot picked out these blue glass "rock" that most people up in fish tanks for floral arrangements. She also picked out the small pink lunch box to store her rocks in. This kid cracks me up. We go to the dollar store where there is a whole aisle of toys and she picks out these rocks and a container. 

Our magnets came

Our magnets came in the mail. I was probably more excited than Freckle Foot. I printed the fish magnet page from my new favorite blog Confessions of a homeschooler. This site has some wonderful resources that are free. Go check out the website there is always something new. Freckle Foot liked filling in the dots.  Then decided to make the magnets stick together.  She was trying to figure out why some of the magnets repelled each other and others would stick together. I will keep that in mind for another activity.

Hot Chocolate


Freckle Foot's first hot chocolate. Both the kids were sick but they were going stir crazy in the house. We took them to the park for a little while and Freckle Foot was cold when she got back. I decided it was time for some hot chocolate with marshmallows. It was a huge hit. Probably not my best idea right before dinner but boy, is Mom fun. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cutting Skills with Playdough

At Christmas Freckle Foot was given a pair of play dough scissors so we did some cutting practice with them. She enjoyed rolling out the dough into "snakes" then cutting them. This was a hard activity for her but the more we practice the easier it will get. She didn't stay with the activity long but it's a start.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Freckle Foot has wanted my full attention while I am cooking dinner the last few weeks. So I had to come up with an activity to keep her busy. I don't normally let her sit in her brothers high chair so this was a real treat for her. I could keep an eye on her while I cooked and hear if any of the beads fell on the floor. Little Loaf's high chair also has compartments for cups that we used for sorting. She sorted by color, and we spelled her name.

New toy, new use

Freckle Foot got this animal hospital for Christmas (that's the toy with all the doors). She played with it as a animal hospital using the keys and all the little animals I bought to put behind the door, for about a day. Then she thought it was a great idea to transfer all of the blocks into the little compartments. So we have a new toy with a new use already. Little Loaf played with it for about a 20 minutes. He was suppose to be napping but he enjoyed not having his sister take over the activity.

Tea Party for the Entourage

For weeks now Little Loaf decides to take a nap about the time Freckle Foot is getting up from hers. I have been trying to find quite things to do with her besides watch TV. We had a tea party for her entourage of animals 
She thought it was really funny to make her talking Elmo eat a orange while he was telling a story. He kept opening his mouth and she just kept stuffing it in and laughing. 

The Climbing Continues


 Little Loaf's climbing skills are advancing quickly. I turned around to find him not only up on the chair but trying to figure out how the lock works on the sliding glass doors. Of course like any good mother I grabbed the camera before I grabbed the child. Don't call Child Protective Services yet he never did fall off the chair. But for the rest of the day we did have a battle about sitting vs standing on the chairs.