
Monday, June 8, 2009


I will be quitting my gleaning job this next week. To fill the gap this will create in my household budget I am starting to use coupons more. This week is a great week for Albertson's coupons. I have been frustrated the past couple of months shopping at Albertson's because I never seem to walk away from the store with the deal I intended to buy. This week it worked out.

Transaction #1

4 boxes Boca bugers $2.50 =$10.00
$3.00 of when you purchase $10.00 of participating items which brings it down to $7.00
2 printable coupons $1/2 boxes = $2.00
2 Alberstson's double coupons = $2.00
Total =$3.00
This makes each box .75 cents

Transaction #2
I did another of the Boca Burger transactions.

Transaction #3

4 boxes Wheat thins $1.75 = $10.00
$3.00 off when you purchase $10.00 of participating items which brings it down to $7.00
4/$1 printable coupons for each box = $4.00
3 Albertson's double coupons =$3.00
This makes 4 boxes =Free

I bought a 1.00 box of taco shells just in case there was an issue of a zero value transaction. I am still learning the process and I wanted to get the Wheat Thins.

Total spent on all transactions $7.00

I talked to the checker about the details of the $3 off when you buy $10. You have to make several transactions of $10.00. They won't let you buy $20.00 worth of items and take $6.00 off. Then I asked how many times I could go through the line. The checker said the limit is three times. I might be getting the hang of using coupons to get some really great deals.

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