
Thursday, July 17, 2014

A trip to The Cabin

We were planning a to spend a couple days at our friends cabin but our Camper wouldn't start. Turns out it only takes a 20$ part but half a day to take out the steering column. We had to settle for a long day trip.

 Freckle Foot and Little Loaf and Leon have been to the cabin several times. However, this was Quarter Shorts and I's first time. The kids loving going to the cabin because it involves taking the ferry.
 I took this picture because this is how I see my children on a daily basis. Strapped in their car seats while I am chauffeuring them to school. Today we are on the ferry so I had time to snap a picture of them.
The kids went straight to the swing upon arrival.
 Ft. Flaggler is just a couple miles from the cabin the kids loved exploring the tunnels and pathways though out the fort.
 As we came out of one of the tunnels we found a birds nest. The mother bird protecting her nest.
 Quarter Shorts is in love he held hands with his new best friend "matew"
 Back at the cabin after lunch Little Loaf figured out how to get into the hammock without falling out.
 The kids spent the whole day on the swing, in this boat or in the hammock. It was so peaceful.
 Around 2pm we started a fire. We had a good bed of coals by the time we were ready for hot dogs and smores. We learned that smores are reallllly good with Reese peanut butter cups.
 This is Cassie, she is a wonderful sweet dog. She has really aged in the last year.
We have another trip planned for later in the summer. Hopefully everything works in the camper this next time around.

1 comment:

  1. I have never made jam. I also love it because of Grandma. Send my your recipe please.
